Sunday, April 12, 2015

Life's Give and Take


It’s another glorious day. Today, like most days, my French easel is set up on the back patio…a perk when living in Arizona! The birds seem to be singing to the semi- classical music I have playing in my “outdoor studio”. The lush green plants and trees are swaying gently in the breeze.  The rosemary bushes smell wonderful. 

The high block wall surrounding my back yard is both a blessing and a curse.  I’m afforded the protection from prying eyes, but denied the friendship that comes with knowing neighbors in that casual, Norman Rockwell painting sort of way.  We always seem to want things both ways!  The block walls could be a metaphor for so many things in life…only gaining one thing at the expense of another.

Yesterday I had cause to re-examine what I want from life on a professional level. I’ve been invited to be part of an “accountability group” which, less than a week ago, was just an idea.  What do I expect to gain from the group?  WHAT ARE MY GOALS?  Yikes! Will I have to put them in writing?  What things am I willing to let go of to gain those goals?  Time with friends?  Weekends with family?  Do I require semi-fame or an undetermined amount of profit to feel successful?

The “second act” is not for the faint of heart.  Raising a family while working at a full time “regular paycheck” job did have its drawbacks, but the road was pretty well laid out.  Survival was the number one goal…the only important one at the time, it seemed.  The decisions were all based on the need to survive and the other goals usually got pushed into the “someday” category.

So, on this wonderfully glorious day, I’m sitting outside at my easel and breathing in the scent of rosemary.  I’m reminded that we are human beings, not human doings (I think that’s from a Deepak Chopra book).  I’ve decided to keep my professional goals a little loosey-goosey and allow them to change daily if the road takes a turn.

In preparation for the first meeting of the "accountability group", I've put the most important things in life, spending time with family and friends, as well as traveling and appreciating nature, at the top of my goal list.  Self-employment has given me the opportunity to be a little picky about how I spend my time.  But if that semi-famous or profit thing comes into play…well, I won’t turn it down!!      
 Life is Art…Paint Your Dreams!


1 comment:

  1. Wonderful blog post! I relate to the many years of survival mode and new "someday" life. I find myself reevaluating what is most important and consciously deciding how to spend the rest of my life.
